Efficacy and safety of drugs for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Bo Shen1,2 | Lun Gen Lu1,2
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is an inflammatory type of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and is associated with the development and progression of cirrhosis. Lifestyle intervention is still the predominant treatment for NASH. So far, no drugs have been approved to treat NASH by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Vitamin E has been recommended for patients with NASH without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), whereas a combination of pioglitazone and vitamin E is rec- ommended for patients with both NASH and T2DM. Encouragingly, drugs are cur- rently being developed for different NASH mechanisms. Some of the drugs are at phase III clinical trials, including obeticholic acid (OCA), Elafibranor, Cenicriviroc, Selonsertib, Resmetirom, Emricasan and Aramchol. Due to its positive interim effect in attenuating the degree of hepatic fibrosis OCA was filing in FDA. However, it has been rejected by the U.S FDA and has been advised to conduct long-term studies. Therefore, in this article, we reviewed the efficacy and safety of drugs currently under clinical trials for NASH.
clinical trial, efficacy, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, safety
1Department of Gastroenterology, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
2Shanghai Key Laboratory of Pancreatic Diseases, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
Lun Gen Lu, Department of Gastroenterology, Shanghai General Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, No. 85/86 Wujin Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai 200080, China.
Email: [email protected]
Funding information
National Science and Technology Major Project of China, Grant/Award Number: 2017ZX10202203-007-005
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a metabolic-related liver dis- ease that is associated with obesity, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance (IR) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). NAFLD affects approximately 25% of the global population, and has become the most prevalent chronic liver disease.1 It is speculated that there will be over 300 million patients with NAFLD in China by 2030.1 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is NAFLD-associated hepatocyte injury and inflammation, and is a major cause of liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, and liver failure.2 It has been reported that 41.9% of patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver are likely to progress to NASH, and fibrosis regresses or progresses in approximately 30% of patients during a mean time period of 4.9 years.3 Moreover, NAFLD is now the second leading indication for liver transplantation in the USA.4
Pathologic features of NASH include steatostic hepatocytes of over 5%, accompanied by intralobular inflammation and ballooning degeneration. At the early stage of NASH (F0–F1) there is no or only mild fibrosis, whereas F2-F3 NASH presents as significant liver or sep- tal fibrosis. And the F4 NASH shows liver cirrhosis.5
The pathogenesis of NASH is based on the “two-hit” hypothesis. In the first step, in patients with IR, abdominal obesity and abnormal glycolipid metabolism, free fatty acids accumulate in the liver, leading to hepatic steatosis. In the second step, the mechanism by which it progresses to NASH includes IR, inflammation, oxidative stress, hepa- tocellular apoptosis, abnormal bile acid metabolism and gut bacterial overgrowth.6
Obesity is an important cause of NAFLD; therefore, lifestyle intervention is the main treatment strategy for NAFLD. Weight loss of at least 5% is required in order to achieve the regression of hepatic steatosis, while a 7% and 10% weight loss can help improve inflammation and fibrosis, respectively. However, it is difficult for NAFLD patients to lose weight through lifestyle intervention, as fewer than 10% patients succeed in doing so.7 With an increasing burden of NASH, developing adjuvant drug interventions remains challenging despite a huge clinical demand and vast market pros- pects for such drugs.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued draft guidelines for clinical trials of NASH drugs, which are applicable to 72
J Dig Dis. 2021;22:72–82.
© 2021 Chinese Medical Association Shanghai Branch, Chinese Society of Gastroenterology, Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
patients with NASH and compensated cirrhosis. So far, few drugs have been approved by FDA to treat NASH; while most drugs are still under clinical trials. Some drugs are at phase III clinical stage, including obeticholic acid (OCA) (farnesoid X receptor [FXR] agonist; Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc.), Cenicriviroc (chemokine receptor antagonist; Tobira Therapeutics), Selonsertib (apoptosis signal regulated kinase-1 inhibitor; Gilead Sciences), Elafibranor (peroxisome proliferators-
activated receptor [PPAR]-α/δ double agonist; GENFIT), Resmetirom
(thyroid hormone receptor [THR] agonist; Madrigal Pharmaceuticals), Emricasan (caspase-1 inhibitor; Novartis) and Aramchol (fatty acid bile acid conjugate [FABAC]; Galmed Pharmaceuticals).8
In this review we focused on currently available drugs that may be effective for the treatment of NASH, as well as promising NASH drugs under phase II trials, and completed or uncompleted drugs under phase III trials, especially in terms of their safety and efficacy, which are the most important primary end-points of NASH drugs in development.
2.1 | Anti-obesity drugs
Considering the role of obesity in NASH, anti-obesity drugs may improve NASH. Orlistat is an oral gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor with a weight-loss effect, which reduces fat absorption and prevents
triglycerides from entering the liver. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, weight loss was comparable between patients using orlistat and placebo, while ultrasound detected a more signifi- cant improvement of fatty liver in patients using orlistat for 24 weeks than in the control group (Table 1).9 A recent clinical study on NAFLD and NASH in China has also stated that orlistat can effectively pro- mote the improvement of liver steatosis compared with conventional therapy (Table 1).10 However, Harrison et al conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) using pathological score as the end-point and revealed that for patients with NASH a 36-week treatment with orlistat was not superior to a change in lifestyle in terms of weight loss, improvement of fatty liver degeneration, or serum transami- nase.11 However, IR and steatosis improved in patients who had lost≥5% of their body weight within 9 months, with additional liver histol-ogy improvement in those who lost ≥9% of body weight.11 Based on the abovementioned results, we assume that the improvement of liver histology in patients with NASH by orlistat may depend on the bene- fits of weight loss rather than the effect of the drug itself, which is nevertheless worthy of further study.
Side effects of orlistat mainly include gastrointestinal symptoms, such as oily stools, diarrhea, abdominal pain and fecal spotting.12 Con- sidering that it has been approved by the European Union for weight loss,13 the safety of orlistat is acceptable and trustworthy.
Besides orlistat, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists have also been studied in NASH, which will be discussed in the section on insulin sensitizers below. Moreover, two more drugs have been approved by the FDA: Bupropion-naltrexone (Contrave; Orexigen
TA BL E 1 Current pharmacological options for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
First author (publication year)
Participants (n)
Efficacy of placebo vs the drug
Zelber-Sagi9 (2006) Orlistat Anti-obesity 44 Reversibility of fatty liver by US 17.4% vs 24% Y
Ye10 (2019) Orlistat Anti-obesity 130 6-month rate of decrease in steatosis grades 22.5% vs 45.6% (ITT);
30.3% vs 57.4% (PP) Y
Sanyal14 (2010) Vitamin E Antioxidant 247 Improvement of NASH 19% vs 43% Y
Cusi23 (2016) Pioglitazone PPAR-γ agonist 101 ≥2 reduction in NAS in two histologic categories without worsening of fibrosis 17% vs 67% Y
Amstrong27 (2016) Liraglutide GLP-1 agonist 26 NASH resolution 9% vs 39% Y
Lindor35 (2004)* Ursodeoxycholic Exogenous non- 126 Steatosis –0.3 ± 0.7 vs –0.4 ± 0.6 N
acid toxic bile acids Inflammation –0.1 ± 0.8 vs 0.0 ± 0.9 N
Fibrosis 0.0 ± 0.8 vs 0.0 ± 1.0 N
Leuschner36 Ursodeoxycholic Exogenous non- 186 Steatosis 1.6 ± 0.72 vs 1.5 ± 0.67 N
toxic bile acids
Fibrosis 1.1 ± 0.41 vs 1.2 ± 0.44 N
Inflammation 1.4 ± 0.61 vs 1.2 ± 0.54 Y
Overall histology 6.3 ± 1.69 vs 6.0 ± 1.62 N
*Expressed as differences of post-therapy value minus pre-therapy value. Abbreviations: ITT, intention-to-treat; N, no; NAS, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease activity score; PP, per-protocol; US, ultrasound; Y, yes.
Therapeutics) and Phentermine-topiramate (Qsymia; Vivus). However, these anti-obesity drugs have not been investigated in patients with NASH, and their safety is being questioned and awaiting further study.
2.2 | Antioxidants
Oxidative stress plays an important role in the development of NASH. Vitamin E is a powerful lipophilic antioxidant that can inhibit lipid per- oxidation and secretion of inflammatory cytokines, improve liver inflammation and reduce the progression of NASH. In a large RCT on pioglitazone, vitamin E or placebo for the treatment of NASH (PIVENS) (NCT00063622), more patients benefited from vitamin E (800 IU/d) than placebo in the alleviation of NASH progression (vita- min E vs placebo: 43% vs 19%, P = 0.001) as well as a more significant improvement of hepatic steatosis and lobular inflammation (both P < 0.05). However, vitamin E had no obvious effect on the develop- ment of fibrosis (vitamin E vs placeo: 31% vs 41%, P = 0.24).14 Encouragingly, Vilar-Gomez et al retrospectively reported that vitamin E might help prevent the progression of advanced fibrosis in patients with NASH, with higher adjusted transplant-free survival (vitamin E vs placebo: 78% vs 49%, P < 0.01) and a lower rate of hepatic decom- pensation (vitamin E vs placebo: 37% vs 62%, P = 0.04) than the pla- cebo.15 Vitamin E is currently the first treatment choice for NASH patients without T2DM. Guidelines recommend vitamin E 800 IU/day to improve liver histology in non-diabetic patients with NASH.5 How- ever, one clinical trial on patients with NASH and T2DM (NCT01002547) showed that vitamin E alone did not significantly change the primary histological outcome, which was defined as a reduction in NAFLD activity score (NAS) of ≥2.16
Although vitamin E 800 IU/day can be effective for treating
NASH, concerns about its safety has been raised.17 A study has shown that the use of vitamin E may increase patient's overall mortal- ity rate and induce the development of prostate cancer.18 During the first 3-year follow-up the risk of prostate cancer did not differ between the vitamin E (400 IU/day) and the placebo groups. But in the following 4-year-long study its incidence in the vitamin E group increased by 17%.18 Meta-analyses have also shown that vitamin E supplement of at least 400 IU/d can increase all-cause mortality.19,20 For low-dosage vitamin E (<400 IU/day) The pooled risk difference was –33 per 10 000 persons (P = 0.021) and 34 per 10 000 persons (P = 0.022), respectively, for low- and high-dosage vitamin E trials.19 Thus, these risks should be taken into account by both physicians and patients when considering vitamin E treatment.
2.3 | Insulin sensitizers
In the classical "two-hit" hypothesis IR occurs throughout the devel- opment of NASH. Peripheral lipolysis and hyperinsulinemia can be caused by IR. A previous study has shown that NASH is characterized by IR and hyperinsulinemia.21 Considering the relationship between
IR and NASH, some drugs for diabetes mellitus are now being studied as a treatment option of NASH.
2.3.1 | Pioglitazone
Pioglitazone, a PPAR-γ agonist, is a drug that targets IR. In the PIVENS study, pioglitazone significantly reduced hepatic steatosis (pioglitazone vs placebo: 69% vs 31%, P < 0.001) and lobular inflam-
mation (pioglitazone vs placebo: 60% vs 35%, P = 0.004) compared with the placebo, but did not significantly improve liver fibrosis (pioglitazone vs placebo: 44% vs 31%, P = 0.12).14 However, some studies have demonstrated that pioglitazone improves liver histology, even fibrosis, in NASH.22-24 In the University of Texas H.S.C. San Antonio pioglitazone in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis trial (UTHSCSA NASH Trial) (NCT00994682) more patients treated with pioglitazone achieved the primary outcome (≥2 reduction in NAS without worsen- ing of fibrosis) than those received placebo (67% vs 17%, P < 0.001). Moreover, fibrosis was significantly improved after treated with
pioglitazone (pioglitazone vs placebo: −0.5 ± 1 vs 0 ± 1.2,
P = 0.039).23 For the NASH and T2DM group, a combination treat- ment of pioglitazone and vitamin E was better than placebo in improv-
ing the liver histology. However, rosiglitazone, also a PPAR-γ agonist,
did not achieve a similar therapeutic effect on NASH as pioglitazone.25
2.3.2 | Metformin
Metformin is an insulin sensitizer that is widely used for patients with T2DM. Several studies have indicated that as an insulin sensitizer, metformin improves NAFLD and its related metabolic status effec- tively. However, whether liver histology in NASH can be improved or not remains unknown due to insufficient data.26 To assess the effect of metformin large RCTs using liver histology of NASH as the end- point are needed.
2.3.3 | Glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists
GLP-1 agonists, a group of novel antidiabetic drugs including liraglutide, exenatide and semaglutide, can improve insulin sensitivity. Several studies have demonstrated the existence of GLP-1 receptor in hepatocytes, suggesting that they may be associated with lipid metab- olism of hepatocytes. In a phase II RCT (NCT01237119), liraglutide was found to be safe and achieved NASH resolution in 39% of the patients compared with 9% in the placebo group (P = 0.019). Most adverse events were mild, and the proportion of patients having adverse events did not differ between the two groups. As expected, gastrointestinal disorders occurred in 21 of the 23 patients in the liraglutide group and in 17 of the 22 patients in the placebo group.27
Exenatide was examined in two trials on patients with NAFLD and T2DM, showing that it is effective in decreasing body weight andlowering the levels of liver enzymes, including alanine aminotransfer- ase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and γ-glutamyl tran- speptidase (γ-GT).28,29 However, there is insufficient evidence tconclude that liraglutide or exenatide can improve liver histol- ogy.27,29,30 More RCTs on NASH using liver histology as primary end- points are urgently needed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of liraglutide and exenatide.
Semaglutide may also be effective in treating NASH. In a 72-week phase II RCT including 372 patients the efficacy and safety of semaglutide in NASH has been assessed (NCT02970942), showing a significantly higher proportion of patients with NASH resolution when treated with semaglutide than placebo. Gastrointestinal symptoms are the main side effects of semaglutide and more patients discontinued treatment because of adverse gastrointestinal reactions than that in the placebo group.31
2.4 | Ursodeoxycholic acid
Exogenous non-toxic bile acids, such as ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), can protect hepatocytes. In NASH models, UDCA enhances insulin sensitivity and decreases inflammation and apoptosis.32,33 In a systematic review on UDCA for the treatment of NASH, there were significant improvements in patient's liver function, especially when combined with other drugs, and two of all included studies showed that UDCA improves hepatic steatosis and inflammation.34 While in a RCT the effect of 2-year UDCA was found to be similar to that of a placebo for patients with NASH, with non-significant dif- ferences in the changes of steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis after treatment.35 Given at a high dose (23–28 mg/kg·d–1), UDCA signifi- cantly improved lobular inflammation but not fibrosis or the overall histology score (Table 1).36 High-quality RCT still lacks as most stud- ies are still retrospectively designed. Therefore, further researches and analyses are needed. Given that whether UDCA produces con- sistent histological benefits remains unknown, so far it has not been yet recommended to treat patients with NASH. However, UDCA has been proven to be safe and well tolerated and has been widely used in clinical practice, as it has no obvious side effects.
3.1 | NASH drugs based on the regulation of glycolipid metabolism
3.1.1 | Peroxisome proliferators-activated receptor agonists
There are three main isotypes in the PPAR family, including PPAR-α, PPAR-δ and PPAR-γ, which all exist in metabolic-associated tissues and play an important role in controlling lipid metabolism.37 Therefore,
PPAR has become an important target for drug therapy. In addition to
pioglitazone and rosiglitazone, which have been approved for treating T2DM, PPAR agonists for NASH treatment are also in the development stage, including Saroglitazar, Elafibranor and Lanifibranor (IVA337).
Elafibranor (GFT505; GENFIT) is a PPAR-α/δ double agonist. In
obese population, Elafibranor (80 mg/day) treatment can reduce levels of fasting plasma triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol,
even improve IR.38 Compared with PPAR-γ agonists, Elafibranor can
reduce the level of adiponectin, which is associated with disease severity.39 In a phase II RCT (NCT01694849), Elafibranor (120 mg/ day) resolved NASH in patients with a NAS ≥4 (20% vs 11%, P = 0.018), but not those with a NAS <4.40 However, in a phase III RCT on patients with NASH and fibrosis (NCT02704403) Elafibranor did not achieve a significant effect on the resolution of NASH without worsening fibrosis (12% vs 19%, P > 0.05), or fibrosis itself. Although Elafibranor can cause a mild, reversible increase in serum creatinine, adverse reactions are mostly mild. Neither weight gain or cardiac events occured when using Elafibranor.
Lanifibranor (IVA337) (Inventive) is designed to target all three PPAR isoforms, with a well-balanced activation of PPAR-α and PPAR-
δ as well as a partial activation of PPAR-γ. It has been proved to
improve liver steatosis, inflammation and fibrosis in NASH models.41 Lanifibranor is currently being evaluated in a phase IIb clinical trial for the treatment of NASH (NCT03008070).
3.1.2 | Acetyl-CoA carboxylase inhibitors
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) is a rate-limiting enzyme in fatty acid synthesis that is associated with fatty acid metabolism. Inhibition of ACC1 and ACC2 isoenzymes can decrease the production of fatty acids and promote fatty acid oxidation, thus improving dyslipidemia and steatosis. ND-630 is a dual inhibitor of ACC1 and ACC2 and can improve liver histology, especially in inflammation and fibrosis in NAFLD models.42
One study showed that overweight patients tolerated a single dose of GS-0976 (Gilead Sciences), which may prevent lipogenesis in the liver. The treatment effect is associated with the dose of GS-0976.43 In a phase II RCT (NCT02856555), liver steatosis improved in 48% of patients treated with 20 mg GS-0976 (P = 0.004 vs placebo) and in 23% of patients treated with 5 mg GS-0976 (P = 0.43 vs placebo). Adverse events occurred in 71% of patients treated with 20 and 5 mg GS-0976, and in 62% of patients receiving a placebo (P > 0.05). Gastrointestinal symptoms and headache were the most commonly reported adverse events.44 In all, the safety and tolerability of GS-0976 are acceptable. More RCTs are needed to further evaluate its therapeutic effect on NASH. Thus, a phase II RCT (NCT03449446) has been initiated.
3.1.3 | Thyroid hormone receptor agonist
THR-β is the main subtype of the thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the liver. THR-β can regulate lipid metabolism of the liver and is the
main target of thyroid hormone supplementary therapy. THR-β may reduce the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. Studies have shown that the progress of NASH may be related to a decrease in the thyroid
hormone level in the liver, and that patients with NASH are more likely to have hypothyroidism than healthy individuals.45 Resmetirom (MGL-3196) (Madrigal Pharmaceuticals) is a liver-directed, oral small
molecule THR-β agonist with high specificity. In animal model,
Resmetirom has been found to improve NASH liver histology, includ- ing inflammation and fibrosis.46 In a phase II RCT (NCT02912260), liver fat content in the Resmetirom group was significantly lower than in the placebo group at weeks 12 and 36 (Table 2).45 There were no significant difference in adverse events between the two groups, except that the Resmetirom group had a higher incidence of transient mild gastrointestinal symptoms. Moreover, 46% patients had a reduc- tion in NAS compared with placebo (19%; P = 0.017). Based on the encouraging outcomes, Resmetirom has been further studied in patients with NASH and stages F2–F3 fibrosis in a phase III clinical trial (NCT03900429).
3.1.4 | Inhibitor of stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1
Stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 (SCD1) plays an important role in modulat- ing fatty acid metabolism in the liver. An inhibitor of SCD1 can decrease the synthesis of fatty acids, causing a reduction in triglycer- ides and fatty acid in the liver. Aramchol (Galmed Pharmaceuticals), a novel FABAC, decreases liver fat deposition and collagen in the liver by targeting SCD1 in animal model.47 In a phase IIa RCT (NCT01094158) Aramchol has been proven to be safe and tolerable, and no serious adverse events were reported. Aramchol reduces liver fat content (Aramchol 300 mg/d vs placebo: 12.57% ± 22.14% vs 6.39% ± 36.27%, P = 0.02).48 In another phase IIb RCT (NCT02279524), 1-year therapy with Aramchol improved liver fat content and biochemical parameters. In the Aramchol 600 mg group especially, the proportion of patients with NASH resolution and fibro- sis improvement was significantly higher in the Aramchol (600 mg)- treated group compared with the placebo group (47% vs 24.4%, P = 0.0279).
3.2 | NASH drugs based on the regulation of bile acid metabolism
3.2.1 | Farnesoid X receptor agonist
Bile acid is not only an important digestive enzyme, but has critical components that link intestinal flora and liver metabolism as well.49 It can also regulate lipid metabolism.50 The activation of FXR can indi- rectly inhibit the expression of cytochrome P450 7A1 (CYP7A1), thereby inhibiting the synthesis of bile acid.51 In addition, the activa- tion of FXR can inhibit sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c), which is the key transcription factor of lipid regeneration and regulates triglyceride metabolism and lipid regeneration.52
OCA is an agonist of FXR that inhibits the accumulation and absorption of lipids. In 2019, Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc. submitted a new application to use OCA for the treatment of NASH. The OCA filing to the FDA is supported by positive interim results from a phase III RCT in patients with NASH and liver fibrosis.53 The interim analysis shows that the degree of fibrosis in the liver due to NASH can be improved (by ≥1 stage) by Ocaliva (Intercept Pharmaceuticals Inc.). Meanwhile, no worsening of NASH was reported. Patients with NASH treated with 25 mg OCA achieved an improvement in fibrosis com- pared with the placebo group (Table 3).53 No serious adverse events occurred in either the OCA or the placebo group. Treatment with OCA often leads to mild-to-moderate pruritus, especially during the first 3 months.53 However, the drug submitted to the FDA has been rejected considering insufficient evidence to support an approval for this indication. Additional evidence with long-term studies on OCA is needed to further demonstrate its effectiveness and safety.
In addition to OCA, GS-9674 (Gilead Sciences), another FXR ago- nist, has been proven to be well-tolerated and achieve a significant reduction in hepatic steatosis, liver biochemical parameters, and serum bile acid in patients with NASH. In a phase II RCT (NCT02854605), 24 weeks after treated with 100 mg GS-9674, liver fat content in patients with NASH decreased by 22.7% (P = 0.003), including 39% of patients who had a 30% decrease (P = 0.011), com- pared with placebo.54 Adverse reactions to GS-9674 are similar to those to OCA. Moderate-to-severe pruritus was observed in the 100 mg GS-9674 group (14%), which is more often than in the 30 mg GS-9674 (4%) and placebo groups (4%).
3.3 | NASH drugs based on the inhibition of inflammatory reactions
3.3.1 | Chemokine receptor inhibitors
Activation of inflammation-related pathways and apoptosis can be caused by metabolic disorders in NASH. Therefore, treating NASH- related fibrosis by decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress might be a potential therapeutic strategy. Chemokine receptors 2 (CCR2) and 5 (CCR5) are highly expressed in NASH. Inhibiting these receptors has been found to reduce the inflammatory response and fibrosis in an animal model of NASH.55,56
Cenicriviroc (CVC; Tobira Therapeutics), a dual CCR2/CCR5 inhibitor, has been proven to reduce inflammation and fibrosis effec- tively in NASH models. A phase IIb RCT has revealed that CVC does not achieve NASH resolution (defined as at least 2 points of improve- ment) without worsening of fibrosis. But CVC reached the primary end-point (defined as ≥2-point improvement in NAS) in patients with severe NASH. More importantly, over 2 years CVC improved fibrosis in the first year of treatment and the related benefits continued to exist during both years of treatment (150 mg CVD vs placebo: 60% vs 30%) without no worsening of NASH (150 mg CVD vs placebo: 15% vs 17%) in 86% of patients with stage 3 fibrosis. CVC is also well tol- erated by patients and its safety is similar to that of the placebo.57
TAB L E 2 Phase II clinical trials on drugs for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
NCT number
Status Participants (n)
Primary end-point
Efficacy in placebo vs treatment
NCT03863574 II Saroglitazar PPAR agonist Complete 16 NAS Unknown Unknown
NCT03449446 IIb GS-0976 ACC1/ACC2 inhibitor Complete 395 ≥1-stage improvement in fibrosis Steatosis: 6% vs 29% Y
Fibrosis: 11% vs 12%
NCT03517540 II Cenicriviroc CCR2/CCR5 inhibitor Complete 200 Safety and tolerability Unknown Unknown
NCT03486912 IIb BMS-986036 PEG-FGF21 Incomplete 152 ≥1-stage improvement in fibrosis Unknown Unknown
NCT02970942 II Semaglutide GLP-1 agonist Complete 320 NASH resolution 17% vs 59% (0.4 mg) Y
NCT03008070 IIb Lanifibranor Pan-PPAR agonist Complete 247 SAF histological score Unknown Unknown
NCT01694849 II GFT505 PPAR-α/δ double agonist Complete 270 Resolution of steatohepatitis 12% vs 19% (NAS ≥4, 11% vs
20%) Y
NCT02856555 II GS-0976 Dual inhibitor of ACC1 Complete 127 Treatment-induced AEs 62% vs 71% Y
and ACC2
NCT02912260 II MGL-3196 THR agonist Complete 125 Hepatic fat fraction 18% vs 60% (12 wks); 30% vs Y
68% (36 wks)
NCT01094158 II Aramchol Fatty acid bile acid Complete 60 Liver triglyceride concentration 6.39% ± 36.27% vs 12.57% ± Y
conjugate 22.14%
NCT02854605 II GS-9674 FXR agonist Complete 140 Safety and AEs 68% vs 77% (30 mg) vs 89% Y
(100 mg)
NCT02217475 II Cenicriviroc CCR2/CCR5 inhibitor Complete 289 NASH resolution by ≥2 points 18.8% vs 15.9% N
NCT02443116 II NGM282 Analog of FGF19 Complete 259 Change in absolute liver fat content as 2.7% vs 7.7% Y
measured by MRI
NCT02686762 II Emricasan Pan-caspase inhibitor Complete 318 ≥1-stage improvement in fibrosis 19.0% vs 11.2% (5 mg) vs 12.3% N
(50 mg)
Note: data available from: https://clinicaltrials.gov.
Abbreviations: ACC, Acetyl-CoA carboxylase; AEs, adverse events; CCR, chemokine receptor; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; FXR, farnesoid X receptor; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide-1; N, primary end-point not achieved; NAS, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis activity score; PPAR, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; SAF, Steatosis Activity Fibrosis; THR, thyroid hormone receptor; Y, primary end-point achieved.
TA BL E 3 The phase III clinical trials of drugs in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
NCT number
Types Participants (n) Primary end- point Completion status Efficacy in placebo vs treatment
NCT02704403 Elafibranor PPAR-α/δ double agonist 2000 NASH
resolution Complete 19% vs 12% N
NCT03900429 Resmetirom THR agonist 2000 NASH
resolution Incomplete Unknown Unknown
NCT03028740 Cenicriviroc CCR2/CCR5 inhibitor 2000 ≥1-stage improvement in fibrosis Complete Unknown Unknown
NCT03053050 Selonsertib Apoptosis signal- regulated kinase 1 808 ≥1-stage
improvement in fibrosis Complete 14% vs 13% (6 mg) vs
13% (18 mg) N
NCT03053063 Selonsertib Apoptosis signal- regulated kinase 1 883 Histological improvement and event- free survival Complete 13% vs 12% (6 mg) vs
10% (18 mg) N
NCT02548351 Obeticholic acid FXR agonist 1968 Fibrosis improvement (≥1 stage), or NASH
resolution Complete 12% vs 23% (25 mg) Y
NCT02960204 Emricasan Caspase-1 inhibitor 263 HVPG
(ΔHVPG) Complete 17 mmHg vs
16.8 mmHg N
NCT04104321 Aramchol Fatty acid bile acid conjugate 2000 NASH
resolution or Incomplete Unknown Unknown
in fibrosis
Source: https://clinicaltrials.gov.
Abbreviations: CCR, chemokine receptor; FXR, farnesoid X receptor; HVPG, hepatic venous pressure gradient; ITT, intention to treat; N, primary end-point not achieved; NAS, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease activity score; PPAR, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; THR, thyroid hormone receptor; Y, primary end-point achieved.
Based on these results, a phase III RCT study on CVC (NCT03028740) has been started, with its primary end-point as the improvement of fibrosis in patients with NASH. Outcomes after 1 year showed that liver fibrosis in patients with NASH improved, while steatohepatitis did not worsen.58,59 However, this trial was terminated due to lack of efficacy based on the results of Part I of the AURORA study.
3.4 | NASH drugs based on the inhibition of cell stress or apoptosis
3.4.1 | Caspase-1 inhibitor
Histological characteristics of NASH mainly include swelling, apopto- sis, inflammation and liver fibrosis. Caspase plays an important role in the apoptosis and inflammation of hepatocytes. Emricasan (Novartis) is a pan-caspase inhibitor that can reduce apoptosis and the programmed cell death caused by cytokines, and decreases portal hypertension (PH) in a NASH model as well.60
A clinical trial have revealed that Emricasan may play an impor- tant role in reducing portal pressure in patients with compensated cir- rhosis and severe PH. Of 12 patients with severe PH four had a ≥20%decrease in PH, eight had a ≥10% decrease, and in two it decreased to below 12 mmHg.61 However, results were disappointing in a phase III RCT of patients with NASH cirrhosis and severe PH (NCT02960204). Although Emricasan decreased biomarkers without serious side effects it failed to reduce the hepatic venous pressure gradient or improve liver histology.62 In another phase II RCT (NCT02686762), Emricasan did not improve liver histology in NASH and may even lead to worsened fibrosis (Table 2).63
3.4.2 | Apoptosis signal-regulated kinase 1 inhibitor
Apoptosis signal-regulated kinase 1 (ASK1) plays an important role in regulating the apoptosis of hepatocytes; therefore, ASK1 inhibitor can improve inflammation and fibrosis in the liver. Selonsertib (known as GS-4997; Gilead Sciences), a selective inhibitor of ASK1, has been found to improve inflammation and fibrosis in an animal model of NASH.64 The safety and efficacy of Selonsertib were assessed in a phase II RCT in patients with NASH and stage 2 or 3 fibrosis, showing that Selonsertib plays an important role in anti-fibrosis and improves liver fibrosis (Selonsertib [18 mg] + simtuzumab vs Selonsertib [6 mg]+ simtuzumab vs simtuzumab alone: 43% vs 30% vs 20%).65 All patients in the treatment group experienced at least one adverse reac- tion, among them five patients had serious adverse reactions. The fre- quency of adverse reactions in the Selonsertib group was higher than in the placebo group; thus, its safety needs to be further studied.65
Controversial resluts are obtained from two phase III RCTs in patients with NASH and bridging fibrosis (NCT03053050) and com- pensated cirrhosis (NCT03053063), showing that treatment with Selonsertib does not improve liver biochemistry and has no significant effect on fibrosis and PH.66 Therefore, further studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of Selonsertib on treating fibrosis in patients with NASH.
3.5 | NASH drugs involving other mechanisms of action
3.5.1 | Human fibroblast growth factor analogs
Fibroblast growth factor 19 (FGF19) is an endocrine hormone pro- duced in the ileum that inhibits the synthesis of bile acid and the pro- duction of lipids. NGM282 (NGM Biopharmaceuticals), a bioengineered analogue of FGF19, can inhibit inflammation and fibro- sis in the liver. In a completed phase II clinical trial (NCT02443116), NGM282 was shown to reduce liver lipid accumulation in NASH sig- nificantly (Table 2).67 In terms of its safety, 93% of patients treated with NGM282 experienced at least one adverse event, with the most common being mild abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. No fatal events or deaths occurred during the study. Above all, the safety of NGM282 is acceptable.67 However, there is no report of a forthcom- ing phase III RCT on this drug.
FGF21 is another member of the FGF family. It is produced bythe liver in response to metabolic stress. Increased plasma FGF21 levels are associated with metabolic diseases, including NAFLD and NASH. Therefore, FGF21 may play an important role in metabolic reg- ulation. LY2405319, the first analog of FGF21, can significantly increase adiponectin and improve steatosis in the animal model of NASH.68 Patients with NASH were also evaluated to ascertain whether LY2405319 improves dyslipidemia. Two phase I RCTs (NCT01396187 and NCT01673178) found that fasting plasma triglyc- eride levels decreased by LY2405319 in obese patients with T2DM. Meanwhile, PF-05231023, another long-acting FGF21 molecule, can improve symptoms and signs in patients with T2DM, including weight loss and the reduction of lipid levels.69 However, there is no clinical trial at present on the efficacy and safety of LY2405319 and PF- 05231023. Furthermore, pegylated FGF21 has been developed to prolong its half-life and time of action, such as BMS-986036.
In a 2-year clinical trial BMS-986036 was found to improve NASH and reduced liver injury (evaluated by AST and ALT levels) and markers of fibrosis.70 In phase IIb trials the effect of BMS-986036 on patients with NASH and fibrosis are currently being evaluated (NCT03486899 and NCT03486912).
Drugs to treat NASH are emerging and several NASH drugs targeting different mechanisms have entered the phase III trial stage. However, there are no drugs that offer a promising therapeutic effect so far. At present, lifestyle intervention is still the basis of clinical treatment of NASH and guidelines recommended vitamin E as a conditional use for patients without T2DM. For the NASH and T2DM group pioglitazone is recommended. Accelerating the research and development of NASH drug is urgently needed. However, difficulties exist when per- forming RCTs, that is, defining the primary end-point and determining how to attain it.NASH is a metabolic disease and its progress includes metabolic abnormalities, an inflammatory response and fibrosis. Therefore, the primary end-point is still unclear. Shall it be the liver fat content, or the resolution of NASH or fibrosis? At present, in most drug trials the resolution of NASH or fibrosis is the primary end-point. Although some studies have shown that NASH resolution is associated with fibrosis, an individual drug may have different effects on the primary end-point. Therefore, it is necessary for drug trials to evaluate NASH resolution and fibrosis independently and to ensure that therapeutic effects of the drug on one parameter do not worsen another.
At present, liver biopsy is still the gold standard for assessing the end-point of NASH. The two accepted scoring systems are the NAS and the steatosis activity and fibrosis (SAF) score.71,72 However, liver biopsy is invasive and has not been readily accepted by patients. Moreover, repeated liver biopsy to assess the degree of liver injury and fibrosis is not feasible in clinical practice. Therefore, noninvasive evaluation criteria are urgently needed.
Biomarkers in serum samples and elastography techniques are noninvasive methods that can be used to detect liver steatosis and fibrosis. Elastography using ultrasound or magnetic resonance can measure the liver stiffness by detecting the shear wave velocity in the liver. Elastography may be the most promising noninvasive evaluation technique for the development of NASH drugs, as vibration-con- trolled transient elastography (TE) and magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) can simultaneously detect hepatic steatosis and fibrosis. The degree of steatosis can be evaluated by the controlled attenuation parameter in TE and by calculating the proton-density fat traction in MRE. Although having a high negative predictive value of around 90%, a high false positive rate has limited the use of TE.73
In addition to imaging techniques, serum biomarkers are also
important noninvasive tests used to evaluate changes in steatosis and fibrosis, including the fatty liver index and the NAFLD liver fibrosis score. However, serum biomarkers are non-liver-specific, and their results can easily be affected by the patient’s conditions. Moreover, none of the currently available serum markers are able to differentiate NASH from simple steatosis with high sensitivity and specificity. Therefore, it is necessary to combine different approaches to improve diagnostic accuracy.74 Above all, noninvasive methods to evaluate NASH fibrosis are urgently needed to enhance the research and development of new drugs for NASH.
NASH is an inflammatory type of NAFLD and is associated with dis- ease progression and the development of cirrhosis. In this article we reviewed current pharmacological options and drugs under develop- ment for NASH. For patients with NAFLD lifestyle intervention is still the predominant treatment strategy. However, only about 10% of patients achieve weight loss through lifestyle intervention. Therefore, it is necessary to employ drug-assisted therapy. Currently, vitamin E is the standard therapy for NASH patients without T2DM. While for those with NASH and T2DM, pioglitazone is the treatment choice. To treat metabolic risk factors, including blood glucose and lipid disor- ders, is also important.
However, at present, no drugs for the treatment of NASH in par- ticular has been approved by FDA. In NASH drugs under development the therapeutic mechanisms mainly aim at weight loss, antioxidants, glucose and lipid metabolism, bile acid metabolism, liver inflammation and apoptosis. Results of a few phase III RCTs are discouraging; only interim analysis of OCA has shown their improvement in NASH- related histological fibrosis. Selonsertib, Emricasan and Elafibranor have not been found to be effective in phase III trials, while Resmetirom and Aramchol are still in the process of clinical investiga- tion. Although the NASH drugs are developing rapidly, there are still great challenges before they can be proven effective and applied in clinical practice.
The authors would like to acknowledge everyone who contributed to the completion of this project. This study was supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project of China (2017ZX10202203-007-005).
Bo Shen Image https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0384-6979
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How to cite this article: Shen B, Lu LG. Efficacy and safety of drugs for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. J Dig Dis. 2021;22: 72–82. https://doi.org/10.1111/1751-2980.12967